Here are a couple of suggestions. The first one we looked at was the femme fetal cause she felt like quite an easy costume could be constructed.

We want to keep the look of the femme fetal quite modern but also have those conventions of an old film noir movie e.g. the red lipstick. A lot of black to make the character seem/feel very dark to the audience and also makes me seem anonymous. We looked at a lot of velvet and lace dresses because it is in trend right now and that is what we are trying to get across.
The next character I had a look at was the main protagonist.

The reason we want Joe to wear quite simple work like clothes is because it looks like he is about to work in a bar for the night, but quite a sophisticated bar. We also want this character to dress quite dark though which both other characters as well. We want the whole atmosphere for this piece to be dark.

This is what we want the third character want to look like because we want it to seem like he is the baddie in all of this. This is what we want Chris to wear. It can easily be constructed from clothes that he already has. That can also be like that for all the other characters. These are only suggestions for what we want the characters to look like.
I am going add a post next week about the final costume ideas because we haven't completely decided on what our characters are going to look like. This is just some ideas. We want our characters to look a certain age which is why we have different suggestions for costumes. The female character will be the hardest for our piece because they have to look older but also not look so old its unrealistic that the person playing it doesn't look fake. We want the femme fetal to look about 18-20 years old.
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